

This book outlines the biographical-discursive profile of the Coptic Orthodox communities established in Europe because of the migratory process that has affected Copts since the 1950s-1960s. This book starts by analyzing the process that led the Copts from Egypt to settle in other countries. It reconstructs the origins, history, and main characteristics that marked the process of settlement and the development of the Coptic communities in Europe. In addition to the analysis of the communities established in Europe, this book pays particular attention to the concept of “community” and its features. At the same time, it examines the transition from communities without a place of worship to communities that recognize themselves around the physical churches existing in the countries where the members of Coptic communities live and work. Specifically, this book focuses on how Copts have defined their identity abroad, on the needs emerged in the immigration countries, and on the relationships established by the members of the Coptic Orthodox communities in Europe and the other countries of immigration.

* This book was conceived before the NEGOTIA project. It is mentioned in this section because strictly related to the scope and the subject of NEGOTIA. Moreover, it was published during the first months of NEGOTIA. Therefore, it benefited the work subsequently carried out within the NEGOTIA project.